Neue Schmiede für die Schmiedwelt / New forge balancing

Moderatoren: Gundohar, Eddard, Moderatoren

Neue Schmiede für die Schmiedwelt / New forge balancing

Beitragvon Gundohar am Di Mär 22, 2022 15:22

Magier Xhodons,

da die Schmiede, wie sie gerade in der Welt ist, nicht besonders spannend ist, haben wir uns entschieden am Balancing noch etwas zu ändern. Wir werden das Update am 24.3.2022 einspielen!

Wir werden folgende Sachen ändern:
- Es wird kein Limit mehr geben, wie oft man schmieden kann.
- Der Preis an Runen und Mana beim schmieden wird pro Item bei jedem Item teurer.
- Der Preis zum schmieden hängt vom Itemlevel des Verstärker Items ab. Je höher das Level, desto mehr Mana kostet das schmieden.
- Die Runenkosten fürs Schmieden werden jedoch wesentlich günstiger sein als in der Greifen/Einhornwelt.

Über Feedback und Verbesserungsvorschläge freuen wir uns natürlich immer. Anpassungen können grundsätzlich vorgenommen werden, wenn das Interesse groß genug ist.

Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß und frohes Schmieden!

Viele Grüße,
Euer Xhodon-Team


Mages of Xhodon,

Since the forge as it is in the world right now is not very exciting, we have decided to change the balancing a bit. We will install the update on 24.3.2022!

We will change the following things:
- There will no longer be a limit to how often you can forge.
- The price of runes and mana for forging will become more expensive per item for each item.
- The price for forging depends on the item level of the booster item. The higher the level, the more mana it costs to forge.
- The costs for forging will be as in the Phoenix World.

Of course, we are always happy to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement. Adjustments can be made if there is enough interest.

We wish you a lot of fun and happy forging!

Best regards,
Your Xhodon Team
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Registriert: Fr Sep 18, 2015 19:49
Wohnort: Xhodon

Re: Neue Schmiede für die Schmiedwelt / New forge balancing

Beitragvon wolf-1231 am Do Mär 24, 2022 18:23

a mio avviso il prezzo di forgitura è troppo alto e penalizza giocatori tutti senza contare che gia era difficilissimo trovare oggetti rare e antichi ho leggendari si puo guardare anche mio profilo su 20000 sentinelle fatte attivando sempre con rune ho ottenuto solo 4 ogetti antichi e ben pochi oggetti rari ora i pochi oggetti che si ottengono col costo di forgiatura è impossibile forgiarli e per cosa poi il valore è talmente misero degli oggetti forgiati che gia valevo poco la pena farlo prima ora non ne vale propio senza contare che la forgiatura su oggetti antichi non è effutuata in maniera corretta ....

questa è ovviamente la mia opinione va vedermi penalizzato rispetto ha chi è piu grande non mi sembra giusto per me non è equilibrata la cosa ...

in my opinion the forging price is too high and penalizes all players without counting that it was already very difficult to find rare and ancient objects I have legendaries you can also look at my profile on 20,000 sentries made by always activating with runes I only got 4 ancient objects and very few rare objects now the few objects that are obtained with the cost of forging it is impossible to forge them and for what then the value of forged objects is so poor that I was already worth little to do before now it is not really worth it without considering that forging on ancient objects is not is performed correctly ....

this is obviously my opinion goes to see me penalized with respect to those who are older it does not seem right for me it is not balanced ...
Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Di Dez 16, 2014 19:19

Re: Neue Schmiede für die Schmiedwelt / New forge balancing

Beitragvon scorpione am Do Mär 24, 2022 21:27

I think forging without limits is a great idea. I just find the cost of forging too high and that limits the game for many players. perhaps it will be necessary to re-evaluate the cost
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Registriert: Mo Jan 04, 2016 17:27

Re: Neue Schmiede für die Schmiedwelt / New forge balancing

Beitragvon GEDEON am Do Mär 24, 2022 23:37

yo opino igual, la fragua es injusta y a los que hemos entrado a jugar hace poco nos perjudica, tenemos que luchar contra el tiempo y contra una fragua que es muy cara. Mucho mana y muchas runas y pocos beneficios. Si esto sigue así me planteo el dejar el juego
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Re: Neue Schmiede für die Schmiedwelt / New forge balancing

Beitragvon wolf-1231 am Fr Mär 25, 2022 01:34

GEDEON (!empty($user->lang['WROTE'])) ? $user->lang['WROTE'] : ucwords(strtolower(str_replace('_', ' ', 'WROTE'))):yo opino igual, la fragua es injusta y a los que hemos entrado a jugar hace poco nos perjudica, tenemos que luchar contra el tiempo y contra una fragua que es muy cara. Mucho mana y muchas runas y pocos beneficios. Si esto sigue así me planteo el dejar el juego

saremo in molti ad abbandonare il gioco da fastidio la cosa visto le rune spese e non poche ma non vale piu la pena neppure giocare in gilda da me ormai sono gio 8 le persone che lasceranno il gioco ha causa di questo gia da subito io non posso piu fare sentinelle e quindi niente risorse peccato altro mondo morto

there will be many to abandon the game bothersome the thing seen the runes spent and not a few but it is no longer worth even playing in the guild by me now it is thu 8 the people who will leave the game has cause of this already I can not no longer make sentries and therefore no resources sin other dead world
Beiträge: 16
Registriert: Di Dez 16, 2014 19:19

Re: Neue Schmiede für die Schmiedwelt / New forge balancing

Beitragvon Fuchsteufelchen am So Mär 27, 2022 09:49

:lol: :lol: :lol: liebes team,die schmiede weiter auszubauen ist ein prima gedanke,doch bei der höhe des manaverbrauches um weiter zu schmieden,ist wohl jemand vom wickeltisch gefallen,welcher normale kleine spieler kann sich den luxus leisten,ist natürlich wieder mal son runentussi knaller,sorry..trotzdem einen wunderschönen sonntag für alle..
lg manuela :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Registriert: Sa Apr 02, 2016 11:58
Wohnort: Xhodon

Re: Neue Schmiede für die Schmiedwelt / New forge balancing

Beitragvon Obrigen7 am Di Mär 29, 2022 02:13

Hello I was very happy to know about this update, but all my illusions has been destroyed when i see "290k mana per forge" in any level! i will need dont touch my mana for some years to can forge a set to level 3 like in the past hahaha I think that you need change this, may be a option is reset the forge requeriments to get this uptdate like something good and funy, cuz at the moment dont make sence.

Regards support team we appreciate your work to this game.
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